
Frequently Asked Questions

For your convenience we answered some frequently asked questions with information from the Intranet. If you have other questions, please book an appointment using this page.

If you want to change one or more courses in your curriculum, you can apply for an open programme. Please check out the link for requirements and possibilities: Open programme When you have questions after reading this page, please contact the Board of Examiners. They decide on these matters. You can book an online meeting with them via: Board of Examiners
This means doing two specializations within one IB master. More information can be found on the intranet page called ‘combined thesis’. If you have questions about planning courses, please bring the overview of your course planning to the meeting. You can find an overview of the courses per track in the study outline
This is only possible when you encounter personal circumstances. You cannot request a change for a (part-time) job or time zone difference. Please book an appointment with a counsellor as soon as possible after the publication of your schedule.
There are a lot of possibilities! Please take a good look at the following page before your meeting with a Student & Career Counsellor: Extracurricular opportunities
If you meet specific requirements and there are still spots available in the course(s) of your interest, you may qualify for delayed registration. Check out this link under ‘missed deadlines’: Registration deadlines
This is possible in some cases. All possibilities are described here: Postponement of graduation
There are a few types of internships possible. More information can be found on the page below. For detailed questions, you’ll find the Internship Office contact details on that page as well. Internships
All up to date information can be found on the page below. If you have detailed questions, the ‘iro-outgoing’ email address listed on the page is the best place to ask: Study abroad
Yes, that is possible. How exactly depends on the courses passed in your first year: Switching to another SBE programme